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Woman-Hating Preacher Who Publicly Harasses Kids Just Got What He Deserves

Woman-Hating Preacher Who Publicly Harasses Kids Just Got What He Deserves

The inability of the ultraconservative Christians to “live and let live,” as the old adage goes, is one of the greatest sources of frustration in modern American society. They somehow seem to think they have the right to shame, insult, harass, and threaten other Americans just because they don’t conform to their draconian standards of gender roles and sexuality.

One such deranged street preacher got what was coming to him after years of preaching violence against women and gays. In Glendale, Arizona, University of Arizona student “Brother” Dean Saxon takes perverse pleasure in standing outside of high schools and condemning LGBT students for their “choices.”

While he is harassing students, he enjoys holding up a sign that says “you deserve to get raped,” while he screaming about how “the Bible says it’s not okay to be gay. You need to stop doing naught, nasty things, Apollo High School. You need to stop looking up naughty, nasty things on the Internet.”

In an interview with VICE, the disgusting misogynist explains how even wearing yoga pants is justification for a rape. “I believe there are certain qualities that may be worthy of rape. If a woman dresses proactively, gets blackout drunk, and is wearing really revealing clothing, then I would say that she is partially responsible for the rape.”

One young woman had had enough of it the other day. Tabitha Brubaker, 19, took matters into her own hands and hit him in the head with a baseball bat. He’ll be fine. Brubaker was arrested and charged with assault, however.

While we do not condone violence, we believe there are certain qualities that may be worthy of being hit in the head with a baseball bat. If a man stands on a corner and yells at schoolchildren how they deserve to suffer sexual violence for the way they dress, we would say he is partially responsible for being hit in the head with a baseball bat.

Watch footage of the incident here, starting at the 17:00 mark:


h/t to Raw Story

Colin Taylor
Opinion columnist and former editor-in-chief of Occupy Democrats. He graduated from Bennington College with a Bachelor's degree in history and political science. He now focuses on advancing the cause of social justice and equality in America.

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