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Trump Dared To Call Elizabeth Warren A Fraud. Her Response Was DEVASTATING

Trump Dared To Call Elizabeth Warren A Fraud. Her Response Was DEVASTATING

Donald Trump must have figured out the password that campaign manager and Putinist turncoat Paul Manafort placed on his phone, because after a few days of relatively civil Twitter pronouncements Trump launched into an unprovoked storm of racist insults against Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MASS), possibly in response to pundit soothsayers idly discussing the idea of a Clinton-Warren ticket.

Bristling at being called a fraud and having her heritage disparaged by an open racist and a proven fraud for the umpteenth time, Senator Warren pulled out all the stops and unleashed a cluster of truth-bombs at the Republican nominee:

Couldn’t have said it better ourselves. Trump has yet to respond to Warren’s rebuttal; he has only tweeted out that he will be going on 60 minutes to discuss “LAW AND ORDER.”

As of press time, there is no indication whether he means SVU, True Crime, or any of the other spinoff shows.

Colin Taylor
Opinion columnist and former editor-in-chief of Occupy Democrats. He graduated from Bennington College with a Bachelor's degree in history and political science. He now focuses on advancing the cause of social justice and equality in America.

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