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SHOCK: NYT Reports Trump Doesn’t Even Want The Job, Wants VP To Run Country

SHOCK: NYT Reports Trump Doesn’t Even Want The Job, Wants VP To Run Country

We finally have proof of what many of us have suspected for quite some time now – Donald Trump doesn’t even want to be president. To be more precise, Trump wants to win the presidency and enjoy the prestige that accompanies it, but wants nothing to do with the actual governance of the nation.

Donald Trump Jr. apparently approached Ohio Governor John Kasich and quietly asked him if he wanted to be the “most powerful” vice president in the history of our nation. The wee Trump explained his father’s veep would be in charge of both foreign and domestic policy. When Kasich asked what Trump would be in charge of, Trump Jr. “casually answered ‘Making American Great Again'” – whatever that might mean.

What we can safely assume is that Trump wants to be President so he can jet around the country in Air Force One, holding hate rallies, building the Trump brand, and going about his everyday business in his usual offensively extravagant fashion while leaving the governance of the nation to his Vice President.

It doesn’t really come as a surprise – this we could have deduced from the way his campaign has systematically alienated every voter in America who isn’t a straight white male, from the way his campaign bears a closer resemblance to a reality show than to a political operation, from the way his platform has no substance to it apart from outrageously impractical and extremely racist proposals like mass deportations or constructing a giant border wall.

But it might come as a surprise to the millions of voters who fled from the Republican establishment in the hopes of someone, anyone, different – and it turns out their anointed protofascist ubermensch doesn’t even want the job in the first place. They are going to be very upset when they are forced to acknowledge what liberals have been telling them all along – that Trump doesn’t care about the American people. The only person Donald Trump cares about is Donald Trump.

Colin Taylor
Opinion columnist and former editor-in-chief of Occupy Democrats. He graduated from Bennington College with a Bachelor's degree in history and political science. He now focuses on advancing the cause of social justice and equality in America.

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