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CBS’s Top Political Analyst Makes A Great Point About Obama, Trump, and Racism (Video)

CBS’s Top Political Analyst Makes A Great Point About Obama, Trump, and Racism (Video)

In this clip, distinguished conservative political pundit Charlie Rose and CBS Political Director John Dickerson sit down to discuss the state of the election, especially President Obama’s role in the upcoming contest.

Rose seems surprised by the President’s vehemence and drive when it comes to hammering Trump for all his divisive and racist rhetoric.

“You get the impression that the president is rearing to go. That he really wants to get out there and make the case because he is offended by what some of the Republicans are saying” remarks Rose.

Dickerson then reminds Rose that Trump brought it all on himself, first by sparking the absurd “birther” conspiracy against President Obama and then by running an openly racist ethnonationalist campaign that is a rejection of all the values our nation was founded on.

“Well, there are two reasons. One, Donald Trump was the chief birther in America who suggested the president was not a legitimate president because he was not born in America. That’s personal.

Secondly, the president believes in the policies he put forward and thinks Hillary Clinton is the best one to protect those. And he also thinks there’s a, as he talks about, passing the baton. He wants the race to continue going forward, building on what he has done, not just protecting what he has done, but building on it and Hillary Clinton, again, is the best chance of…”

Not only does the President want to defeat a man who personally insulted him and his heritage, the way America exists as we know it is at stake.

While you may not agree with Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton on every policy issues, at least she has policy stances. One shudders to think at the damage that an impetuous fool like Donald Trump could do to this country on an idle whim.

Watch it here:


Colin Taylor
Opinion columnist and former editor-in-chief of Occupy Democrats. He graduated from Bennington College with a Bachelor's degree in history and political science. He now focuses on advancing the cause of social justice and equality in America.

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