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Trump Threw A Tantrum Yesterday. George Takei’s Response Is Awesome

Trump Threw A Tantrum Yesterday. George Takei’s Response Is Awesome

Star Trek legend and gay rights activist George Takei took time to mock Republican nominee Donald Trump for his most recent Twitter tirade, in which the Donald lashed out like a wounded animal at the Republican Party leaders who have been quickly abandoning the red-hot ball of sexism and racism that they somehow thought would make an acceptable presidential candidate.

We really should have all seen this coming. Trump is utterly unfit for the presidency at every level of his being – temperament included. This election season has proved that Trump is incapable of letting anything go, as seen with his incomprehensible insistence on pursuing feuds with anyone who he feels has crossed him – from a black priest from Flint, Michigan to the family of a slain war hero to the senior members of his own party, whose cooperation he will need if has any intention of governing in the unlikely event he becomes the President.

Which just goes to show that Trump may be running for the presidency, but has no desire to actually be the President. Which begs the question, why is he putting us through this in the first place?

Staff Report
This is a staff report from former Occupy Democrats Editor in Chief Colin Taylor or contributor Rob Haffney.

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