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Students At Largest Christian College In US Just Unendorsed Trump For “Sinning”

Students At Largest Christian College In US Just Unendorsed Trump For “Sinning”

The students at Liberty U. want the world to know that in spite of school president, Jerry Falwell Jr.’s unyielding support of Donald Trump, this is NOT how they will be voting on election day. A statement from Liberty United Against Trump was released denigrating Trump’s affiliation with the evangelical school, calling the candidate “unchristian” and setting the record straight that they, “ want nothing to do with him.”

The students felt it was imperative that they spoke up following the leak of Trump’s now infamous 2005 recording to Access Hollywood, in which he brags about sexually assaulting women. Over 250 students, alumni and faculty have signed the statement, authored by Dustin Wahl, a junior at the school.

Meanwhile, president Falwell Jr. continues to callously defend Trump, saying that it is irrelevant whether the allegations against him are true, responding “Donald Trump of five, ten years ago, even two or three years ago may have been a different person. The bigger point is he is going to appoint the right justices to the Supreme Court. He’s going to control immigration. He’s going to bring our country back to a position of strength again. And that is why I’m supporting Donald Trump.”

He has also denied that he is advocating on behalf of Trump and linking Liberty University into the mess, though this is obviously what he has been doing. Adding insult to injury, Falwell Jr., claims that his students are, “ignoring the teachings of Jesus” and that the statement is “incoherent and false.”

Like Donald Trump, Falwell Jr. is going to have to recognize reality. The evangelical university president has yet to acknowledge that he is alone in his support of a sexual predator. His students are fed-up with being associated with Trump’s sinister values; as the statement reads, “Not only is Donald Trump a bad candidate for president, he is actively promoting the very things that we as Christians ought to oppose.”

The statement goes on, astutely pointing out, “Any faculty or staff member at Liberty would be terminated for such comments, and yet when Donald Trump makes them, President Falwell rushes eagerly to his defense – taking the name ‘Liberty University” with him.”

The students continue, “It is not enough to criticize these kinds of comments. We must make clear to the world that while everyone is a sinner and everyone can be forgiven, a man who constantly and proudly speaks evil does not deserve our support for the nation’s highest office.”

And finally, as clear as day, they conclude, “Because our president has led the world to believe that Liberty University supports Donald Trump, we students must take it upon ourselves to make clear that Donald Trump is absolutely opposed to what we believe, and does not have our support.”

As the petition against Trump continues to grow at Liberty University, other schools have withdrawn their support of Trump, including University of Virginia College Republicans, as well as the College Republicans at Hampden-Sydney College, who note that electing Trump could cause “a potentially permanent stain on our brand and our country.”

Students at Liberty, Virginia College, and Hampden-Sydney, we stand with you in your opposition of what might be America’s worst presidential candidate, ever.


Christine Branch
Christine is an avid supporter of progressive politics. She is currently getting her Masters degree after concentrating in Gender Studies as an undergrad.

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