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Trump Says He Supports American Workers. Bernie’s Response is Perfect (TWEETS)

Trump Says He Supports American Workers. Bernie’s Response is Perfect (TWEETS)

Nobody in American politics cares more passionately about America’s workers than Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT).

Lately, the Republican nominee has been callously dragging Bernie’s name through the mud when discussing trade by falsely claiming that they share a single trade policy, and pretending to care as much as the former Democratic presidential candidate about the lives of the very people he screwed over, when he’s really been secretly buying big ticket items to build and fill his hotels from China all of these years.

Bernie Sanders’ tweet in response to latest Republican hypocrisy is perfect:

Republicans want to disavow their racist candidate Donald Trump today, only now that he’s been un-hooded as a sexual predator, but the candidate himself keeps saying that Americans should focus on election issues.

We agree, because every issue Trump brings up only further exposes his own personal hypocrisy, and also his own party’s pervasive scheme of lies that gave birth to the American demagogue our founding fathers always feared.

The truth is that Donald Trump has always bought cheap good overseas, and been called out for it repeatedly – as far back as 2012 on the Late Show with David Letterman – but no matter how often the truth is repeated, his sheepish followers believe that since the Republican talks a big game, he’s buying American to support them.

He is not.

Not only that, even PBS thinks that the Republican nominee’s shoddy ideas would send America’s economy into the toilet.

Grant Stern
is the Executive Editor of Occupy Democrats and published author. His new Meet the Candidates 2020 book series is distributed by Simon and Schuster. He's also mortgage broker, community activist and radio personality in Miami, Florida., as well as the producer of the Dworkin Report podcast. Grant is also an occasional contributor to Raw Story, Alternet, and the DC Report, and an unpaid senior advisor to the Democratic Coalition and a Director of Sunshine Agenda Inc. a government transparency nonprofit organization. Get all of his stories sent directly to your inbox here:

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