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A Witness Just Came Forward To Confirm Ivanka Trump’s Perverted Racism

A Witness Just Came Forward To Confirm Ivanka Trump’s Perverted Racism

The favorite child of the Republican nominee, Ivanka Trump, was very taken aback at hearing her father’s lewd radio comments in which he admits to forcing himself on women and grabbing their genitals. Clutching her pearls and heady with the vapors, a self-righteous Ivanka announced at Fortune’s Most Powerful Women Summit “that’s not language consistent with any conversation I’ve ever had with him, certainly, or any conversation I’ve overheard. So it was a bit jarring for me to hear.”

Of course, Ivanka, the issue is that your father is describing sexual assault, not the fact that he said the word “pussy.”

Nevertheless, Buzzfeed CEO Jonah Peretti has heard a very different side of Ivanka, and fired back at her from Twitter:

“She was saying how she first said she had never seen an uncircumcised cock and then she said, ‘I’ve never seen a mulatto cock. There’s lots of cocks I’ve never seen,’ or something like that,” Peretti said to Buzzfeed. “Of course, it was memorable just because of the use of the lewd language and racist language. It was also memorable being in the environment of being… in New York, sometimes liberal and progressive people make comments meant as jokes and not necessarily earnest. I didn’t know how to take it.”

While there’s nothing wrong with being interested in exploring miscegenacious relationships, her choice of words is disturbing, to say the least. “Mulatto” is an archaic and extremely offensive word with heavy connotations to the American slave trade, describing a person of mixed black and white ancestry from a perspective of racial superiority in a time when one race sold the other like chattel.

You know, like this:


The use of “mulatto” is so weirdly specific it reveals a racial fetishization of multiracial men – seeing them as exotic sexual objects and not as people, which, funnily enough is exactly how her father treats women. It just goes to show that Donald Trump’s appalling racism and entitlement complex has been deeply ingrained in the whole family.

While we can giggle at the thought of what the Donald will say when he finds out the daughter he himself sexually fetishizes expressed interest in men of other races with presumably large hands, the underlying racism is symbolic of a much larger issue – the unhealthy view with which white Americans view black Americans, the symptoms of which is Trump’s candidacy in the first place.

Colin Taylor
Opinion columnist and former editor-in-chief of Occupy Democrats. He graduated from Bennington College with a Bachelor's degree in history and political science. He now focuses on advancing the cause of social justice and equality in America.

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