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Gary Johnson Just SNAPPED On Reporter Who Called Him Out For Being Dumb

Gary Johnson Just SNAPPED On Reporter Who Called Him Out For Being Dumb

Libertarian nominee Gary Johnson continues to shoot himself in the foot on a daily basis. Just a day after the media took his running mate’s statements to their logical conclusion – a tacit endorsement of Hillary Clinton – Johnson then lost his cool during an interview with the Guardian, in one of the most awkward interviews we’ve ever seen.

“I could hear some loud voices just then. Is is the same questions? You get the same questions again and again and again?” asks Lewis. “I’m an idiot. Really. I’m the dumbest guy that you’ve ever met in your whole life” replies Johnson. An awkward silence follows while Lewis admits “I’m trying to work out if that’s sarcasm or not.”

When Lews got to more substantial questions, like how Johnson felt about the fact that every major economist considers Johnson’s proposals to abolish all taxes and replace them with a flat sales tax to be crackpot lunacy, the candidate blew his top and went off on an angry but unrelated rant about how he was considered a fool for proposing marijuana legalization.

The Libertarian Party never had much chance in the first place, and their poll numbers continue to plummet. Their platform of free-market anarchy and a juvenile obsession with “freedoms” is supported largely by stoned fringe wing-nuts who worship Alex Jones and despise the government in the same way a toddler is infuriated at a parent for not letting them jam a fork into an electric socket.

The general displeasure with the mainstream candidates created some increased interest in the Libertarian Party, but Gary Johnson’s behavior can be seen as a representation for the party as a whole: unprepared and immature.

Watch it here:

Colin Taylor
Opinion columnist and former editor-in-chief of Occupy Democrats. He graduated from Bennington College with a Bachelor's degree in history and political science. He now focuses on advancing the cause of social justice and equality in America.

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