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Trump’s First Official White House Petition Is Sure To Enrage Him

Trump’s First Official White House Petition Is Sure To Enrage Him

President Trump has just received his first White House petition, and it’s surely going to infuriate him. In the space of a few hours, internet user A.D.’s demand that Donald Trump release his tax returns to the public reached nearly 140,000 signatures, far more than the amount needed for it to be sent to the President, where it will be almost certainly ignored.

Trump has publicly promised he will release his tax returns on several occasions; on others, he has punted and declared that he “can’t” since they are under audit by the IRS, as they apparently are every year, which is a clear indicator of some kind of financial misconduct.  Breaking with a tradition observed by every single president since Pres. Harry Truman, Donald “Show Me The Birth Certificate” Trump has fought tooth and nail to keep his own records from a very curious public and media.

The petition reads as follows: “The unprecedented economic conflicts of this administration need to be visible to the American people, including any pertinent documentation which can reveal the foreign influences and financial interests which may put Donald Trump in conflict with the emoluments clause of the Constitution.”

Trump’s tax returns are believed to contain evidence that not only does Trump not pay any federal income tax but also extensive business connections to the Russian Federation. Either way, his refusal to release his taxes is a clear sign that he is hiding enormous conflicts of interest that could prevent the easily manipulatable and validation-seeking Trump from acting in the our nation’s best interests rather than his own. This will be the first of many angry petitions to hit the desk of the tiny-fisted vulgarian and by all means, we must keep them coming!

You may sign the petition here.

Staff Report
This is a staff report from former Occupy Democrats Editor in Chief Colin Taylor or contributor Rob Haffney.

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