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Trump Just Ripped Schwarzenegger’s ‘Apprentice’ Ratings. Arnold’s Response Is Perfect

Trump Just Ripped Schwarzenegger’s ‘Apprentice’ Ratings. Arnold’s Response Is Perfect

Our new President, Donald Trump, this morning attended the National Prayer Breakfast, meeting with religious leaders from a wide variety of creeds and sects. He chose to use this moment not to pray for the nation or make a humble petition to the heavens, asking for their blessing as he guides our nation through stormy seas.

Donald Trump, a man who has never been concerned with presenting anything beyond a shallow impersonation of a devout man, decided to publicly honor the one thing that means the most to him: the television ratings of the Celebrity Apprentice.

“It’s been a total disaster. We know how that turned out. The ratings went right down the tubes. It has been a disaster. I want to just pray for Arnold … for those ratings” said Trump in yet another exceptionally inappropriate excuse to feed his own narcissism and to demean a competitor.

The former governor of California quickly responded with this devastating video, asking if Trump, if he wanted to “switch jobs” since all he can do is talk about the Apprentice ratings.

A spokesperson for Schwarzenegger also responded with this statement:

Trump’s former television show was given to Arnold Schwarzenegger after the racist real estate mogul was fired from NBC for calling Mexicans “rapists and drug dealers” in his campaign announcement speech.

The President’s deplorable display of narcissism at what is meant to be a serene and contemplative moment proves once and for all that Trump only knows one god, and that god is Trump, expressed in the unholy trinity of Inauguration Attendance Numbers, Celebrity Apprentice Ratings, and the Electoral College Margin of Victory.

Watch Trump’s remarks here:

Colin Taylor
Opinion columnist and former editor-in-chief of Occupy Democrats. He graduated from Bennington College with a Bachelor's degree in history and political science. He now focuses on advancing the cause of social justice and equality in America.

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