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Twitter Is LOSING IT After Trump Gives Another Train Wreck Press Conference

Twitter Is LOSING IT After Trump Gives Another Train Wreck Press Conference

President Trump just gave one of the wildest press conferences our nation has ever seen. Unhinged and incoherent on every level, highlights include him yelling “NOT GOOD” at a reporter, asking a black reporter to schedule a meeting between him and the Congressional Black Caucus (because all black people know each other?), shouting down a Haaretz reporter for asking about anti-Semitism, saying that the intelligence leaks were real but the news was fake, boasting about his electoral college victory, and ten minutes of ranting and raving about how dishonest the media is.

There are truly no words that can fully explain just what a trainwreck this press conference was. Here are the best takes from journalists and citizens on social media:

All in all, it was a national humiliation on a level we haven’t seen for decades.

Colin Taylor
Opinion columnist and former editor-in-chief of Occupy Democrats. He graduated from Bennington College with a Bachelor's degree in history and political science. He now focuses on advancing the cause of social justice and equality in America.

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