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This Voter Just Publicly Shamed A Republican For Refusing To Investigate Trump, And It’s PERFECT

This Voter Just Publicly Shamed A Republican For Refusing To Investigate Trump, And It’s PERFECT

Republican congresspeople have been facing ruthless interrogation from angry constituents at town halls. Obamacare has become popular among a majority of Americans, and President Donald Trump is wildly unpopular. Republicans who plan on repealing Obamacare without any adequate replacement plan that will guarantee quality, affordable health coverage to all Americans, or who have spent the last two months as Trump apologists have to face the hard truth that their constituents hate them and everything they stand for.

Rep. Steve Womack (R-Ark.) dealt with an irate crowd this week who demanded an investigation into Trump’s extensive conflicts of interest by accusing them of being too investigation-happy. He told his voters, “You guys just want to investigate everybody.”

Immediately the room erupted with shouts and jeers. Someone yelled above the commotion, “What about Benghazi? You guys wasted a lot of money on Benghazi! Waste a little on Trump!”

They were referring, of course, the five House investigations into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s alleged role in an attack on a U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya that killed four Americans. The five House investigations were in addition to two other federal investigations and spent four years and millions of taxpayer dollars to conduct never-ending investigations that never turned up any evidence of wrongdoing. They were a political witch hunt at the expense of hard working Americans who entrust their taxes to our representatives.

Republicans have to face up to their hypocrisy. They continued investigating Clinton after other investigations proved that she had done nothing wrong. And yet they will not investigate Trump’s well-documented conflicts of interests. The American people have had enough of the waste, the partisanship, and the refusal by Republican representatives to do their jobs.

Staff Report
This is a staff report from former Occupy Democrats Editor in Chief Colin Taylor or contributor Rob Haffney.

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