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Senate Intel Committee Just Confirmed Trump Made Up Obama Wiretap Lie

Senate Intel Committee Just Confirmed Trump Made Up Obama Wiretap Lie

President Donald Trump has been trying to wiggle out of his outrageous claim that then President Barack Obama wiretapped him in Trump Tower just before the election last November, saying he really meant any form of surveillance. 

But the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence has joined the House Intelligence Committee and the FBI in their assessment that there is absolutely no evidence to support Trump’s claims made in a tweet on March 4, which the President now says he sourced from press reports. The Senate’s announcement comes just a day after a House Committee made the same finding.

“Based on the information available to us we see no indications that the Trump Tower was the subject of surveillance by any element of the United States government either before or after Election Day 2016.”

The joint statement by Chairman Sen. Richard Burr (D-NC) and Vice Chairman Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA) represents a painful rebuke of the President’s paranoid delusions.

This is unlikely to bring an end to the claims made by Trump, who refuses to admit he’s wrong and instead immediately shifts from lying to gaslighting. The entire affair was clearly just an excuse for Trump to try and shift attention from the real issue of whether his presidential campaign was actively colluding with the Russian government to subvert our democratic system.

The charge is particularly heinous because it accused President Obama of personally being involved in wiretapping him, which would have been both illegal and nearly unprecedented in American history. It is very unusual for a sitting president to make that kind of claim against his predecessor, and he could potentially be impeached for it.

Now the Senate and House, as well as the FBI,  have joined in saying that Trump’s wiretapping lie truly was fake news.




Benjamin Locke

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