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FBI Director Comey Just Admitted There’s No Evidence To Support Trump’s Obama Wiretap Lies

FBI Director Comey Just Admitted There’s No Evidence To Support Trump’s Obama Wiretap Lies

During this morning’s House Intelligence Committee hearing, FBI Director James Comey just admitted that the outrageous accusations that President Trump has been levelling at President Obama are nothing but baseless conspiracy theories.

The tale of the wiretaps that never happened suddenly underwent a wild escalation last week when Press Secretary Sean Spicer alleged that President Obama’s “wiretaps” were installed and operated by British intelligence agency GCHQ, an equally baseless and ridiculous assertion that, like the original wiretap lie, originated in far-right propaganda outlets.

This time, however, that lie originated with the Russian Kremlin in a clear effort to damage the relationship between the United States and our closest foreign ally, the United Kingdom.

Seeing Trump refuse to shake German chancellor Angela Merkel’s hand a day later tells us all you need to know about this administration and who they really serve. Russia has been working for decades to destabilize the close relationships between the United States and her NATO allies.

The intelligence committees of both Houses of Congress, the former Director of National Intelligence, and now both the FBI and the Department of Justice have determined there is nothing to the accusations Trump has levelled against President Obama.

It is far past time we stop giving any credence to Trump’s baseless accusations – or anything he ever says when it comes to protecting himself or seeking vengeance on others for slights perceived or imagined.


Colin Taylor
Opinion columnist and former editor-in-chief of Occupy Democrats. He graduated from Bennington College with a Bachelor's degree in history and political science. He now focuses on advancing the cause of social justice and equality in America.

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