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Trump Promised A 90 Day Investigation Into Russian Hacking. His 90 Days Are Up

Trump Promised A 90 Day Investigation Into Russian Hacking. His 90 Days Are Up

Following serious allegations by major federal intelligence agencies that the Russian state engaged in cyber attacks to help Donald Trump win the presidency, Trump did what he does best, which is cry “FAKE NEWS!” The Russian hacking undermines the few shreds of legitimacy Trump had after losing the popular vote by around 3 million votes.

In an attempt to discredit the intelligence community, Trump promised on January 13 that “his people” would prove that there was no Russian hacking within 90 days. Now, however, the 90 day period is up and Trump has yet to produce a single shred of evidence that there is a widespread conspiracy among federal agents to delegitimize his presidency.

Perhaps Trump meant 90 days from when he took office, which gives him one more week to do the impossible. Never mind the fact that “his people” are biased and ill-equipped to carry out anything resembling a rigorous investigation, it seems that they haven’t even started to investigate Russian hacking.

This is disturbing. It most likely means that Trump knows a credible investigation would prove him wrong, so is avoiding carrying out any investigation at all. Trump is deliberately hiding the truth from the American people so he can continue to spew “alternative facts” and shout “FAKE NEWS!” at anyone who dares report on reality.

As a refresher, the Russian hacking involved state-sponsored cyber attackers hacking into the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and the Republican National Committee (RNC), and various individuals associated with the two organizations. The hackers released information that was deemed harmful to the DNC and kept any RNC dirty secrets under wraps.

Additionally, the Russian government funded fake news outlets that spread false stories about Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton. These lies were designed to vilify Clinton and her staff, crippling her odds of winning the presidency.

Trump needs to face reality, which means he has to own up to his lie about carrying out a 90 day investigation and acknowledge that there was significant Russian meddling in the 2016 election. For all of his bluster and angry rhetoric, Trump is acting like a coward who is too scared to admit the truth the American people – the people he is supposed to be serving.

Marisa Manfredo
Marisa completed her undergraduate degree in 2013 at the University of Wisconsin with a double major in creative writing and media studies. She is an advocate of progressive policies and focuses her interests on gender equality and preventing sexual and domestic violence.

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