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Obama Just Revealed His Plan To Respond To Trump’s DACA Decision

Obama Just Revealed His Plan To Respond To Trump’s DACA Decision

One of the most important policy achievements of the Obama administration is undoubtedly the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, a program designed to give undocumented people who arrived in the United States as children a renewable two-year immunity from deportation and the option to get work visas.

Nearly 800,000 children, known as DREAMers, now live in the United States under the protection of DACA – but President Trump has indicated that he is planning on killing the DACA policy, on the recommendation of Attorney General Jeff Sessions, a notorious racist.

President Obama’s team has announced that the former President, who has largely shied away from criticizing his successor, will not stand by silent as Trump destroys the hopes and dreams of hundreds of thousands of innocent young people.

Obama warned Trump back in January that he would not sit by in the face of “efforts to round up kids who have grown up here and for all practical purposes are American kids, and send them someplace else, when they love this country.”

So far, the plan appears to be fire back with a viral essay on social media platforms Facebook and Twitter condemning the move.

We hope that the former President will follow up his social media post with additional efforts to protest the unspeakably cruel decision to revoke the DACA protections and deport hundreds of thousands of kids who have spent their entire lives in the United States.

President Obama said he would speak out during “certain moments where I think our core values may be at stake.”

This is definitely one of those moments.

Staff Report
This is a staff report from former Occupy Democrats Editor in Chief Colin Taylor or contributor Rob Haffney.

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