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Trump trolls Father’s Day with blatant political attack

Trump trolls Father’s Day with blatant political attack

Say what you will about the man who disastrously managed to last through an entire presidential term  — despite two impeachment attempts with enough evidence to convict anyone who wasn’t ultimately exonerated by an intransigent and protective GOP Senate majority — but Donald Trump is a master of the art of internet trolling.

It is an art form that comes with great difficulty for the disgraced former president now that he is a persona non grata on most major media platforms, banned from Twitter forever and from Facebook for at least two more years.

Still, even though he shut down his personal blog because of a lack of interest — a conclusion made manifest by underwhelming traffic statistics that proved that his web-facing popularity had perhaps been diminished by his aborted coup attempt in the January 6th insurrection — Trump’s need to foist his voice upon any willing rube with a desire to listen to his pathetic bleatings remains undiminished.

The man who pitifully simply cannot accept the fact that he is no longer president continues to mimic the ritual pronouncements surrounding major holidays that an official national leader would release to celebrate the given occasion but couches them with vitriol and combativeness that invariably belies the sentiment underlying the event being recognized.

Take, for instance, the brief release that Trump issued on his website today to mark the celebration of Father’s Day, one of America’s favorite Hallmark holidays and one that has considerably less controversy attached to it than say the establishment of a new federal holiday to celebrate Juneteenth.

Not one to take a cue from the epigrammatic writers at the greeting card giant, the golfing retiree decided to bizarrely combine his best wishes for all the breeding males in the country with a pithy attack on his perceived enemies.

By unnecessarily singling out “the Radical Left, RINOs, and other Losers of the world,” Trump establishes the very divisions that he claims to wish to heal just a sentence later.

By including a healthy dose of bile along with the goodwill that Father’s day messages are typically intended to convey, Trump completely undercuts the purpose of the essentially made-up holiday by twisting it into a political instrument designed to further his own grievances and paranoia.

For Trump, Father’s Day is likely complicated by his own difficult relationship with his own late father and by the knowledge that his own children are cut from the same corrupt mold that he fashioned.

While Trump’s manipulation of expectations for a Father’s Day message to his own political ends and his ego gratification may be seen as reprehensible and pathetic, in the end, it is really and truly sad.

Only someone totally consumed by repressed self-hatred could undermine the sentiment behind a holiday dedicated to a class of people of which he himself is a member.

Contrast Trump’s petulant press release with the proclamation issued by Joe Biden, the real president, to honor America’s fathers.

That, my friends, is how a real president commemorates Father’s Day.

There is no need to accept the trolling substitute.

Simply rejoice in the fact that the White House is now in good and capable hands and work towards holding the pitiful and petulant font of bitterness accountable for his high crimes and misdemeanors.

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Vinnie Longobardo
Managing Editor
Vinnie Longobardo is the Managing Editor of Occupy Democrats. He's a 35-year veteran of the TV, mobile & internet industries, specializing in start-ups and the international media business. His passions are politics, music, and art.

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