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Twitter Unites To Defend American Muslims From Ted Cruz’s Bigoted Surveillance Proposal

Twitter Unites To Defend American Muslims From Ted Cruz’s Bigoted Surveillance Proposal

Muslims around the country are responding to religious extremist Sen. Ted Cruz’s unconstitutional and deeply offensive proposals to begin policing and monitoring “Muslim neighborhoods” in a truly inspiring way. The hashtag #MyMuslimNeighborhood has gone viral on Twitter, full of proud Americans of all religions and colors sending out heartfelt – and sometimes bitingly sarcastic – depictions of what transpires in an American “Muslim” neighborhood.

Which is, obviously, the same pedestrian events that occur in every other neighborhood. It’s a beautiful response to Ted Cruz’s barely concealed racism that flies in the face of the conservative portrayal of Islam – as an inherently authoritarian religion incompatible with Western civilization. They couldn’t be more wrong – be they Christian or Muslim, the fact remains that poorly educated and impoverished people can be exploited by predatory ideologues to do terrible things.

It’s a process which Ted Cruz should be very familiar with – because exploiting Christians is the only reason he’s still in the running for President. It’s terrifying that a man in the quest for our nation’s highest office is so willing to throw away the values of tolerance and diversity that have made this country what it is today and is hardwired into the core of our national DNA – for better or for worse. We are Americans. Our parents and grandparents came from all over the world, bringing traditions from every religion, sect, and creed. It’s disgusting to see this kind of discrimination from a political candidate, and we must punish him for it at the polls.






Colin Taylor
Opinion columnist and former editor-in-chief of Occupy Democrats. He graduated from Bennington College with a Bachelor's degree in history and political science. He now focuses on advancing the cause of social justice and equality in America.

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