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Watch Ben Carson: We Should Put Harriet Tubman On A Bill Nobody Uses

Watch Ben Carson: We Should Put Harriet Tubman On A Bill Nobody Uses

In this mind-boggling clip, former presidential candidate Ben Carson somehow tells FOX Business that notorious racist and genocidaire Andrew Jackson was actually an incredible president, that we shouldn’t put abolitionist and women’s rights hero Harriet Tubman on the $20 bill. Carson, the newest addition to the conservative roster of African-Americans willing to talk trash about other African Americans, in a shameful and useless effort to hide the racism inherent in all of FOX’s coverage.

Andrew Jackson’s administration was very much in favor of slavery and organized the mass deportations that killed thousands of Cherokees on the Trail of Tears. It’s hard to understand how anyone could defend those policies, not the least an African-American. For Carson to go on to say that she should go on a bill that nobody uses, like the $2 bill, is just insult to injury.

Colin Taylor
Opinion columnist and former editor-in-chief of Occupy Democrats. He graduated from Bennington College with a Bachelor's degree in history and political science. He now focuses on advancing the cause of social justice and equality in America.

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