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Trump Just Celebrated Cinco De Mayo In The Most OFFENSIVE Way Possible

Trump Just Celebrated Cinco De Mayo In The Most OFFENSIVE Way Possible

Republican nominee and avowed racist Donald Trump took to Facebook today to “celebrate” Cinco De Mayo – in one of the most offensive ways he possibly could have:

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Sending out a picture of himself eating a taco bowl – of course – Trump then wrote that he “loves Hispanics,” which is a bizarre thing to say in itself.

First of all, taco bowls have nothing to do with Mexico. Second of all, using a Mexican celebration to plug your own restaurant is incredible offensive. Third of all, who says “I love hispanics!”?

After calling Hispanics “rapists” and “murderers,” Trump thinks it’s okay to mock Latinos with racial stereotypes and a cheap plug for a restaurant he owns. Maybe that’s why Trump is despised by 80% of American Hispanics.

Such shameful pandering is to be expected from this Republican blowhard, but not excused.

Colin Taylor
Opinion columnist and former editor-in-chief of Occupy Democrats. He graduated from Bennington College with a Bachelor's degree in history and political science. He now focuses on advancing the cause of social justice and equality in America.

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