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SHOCK: Trump Told NBC He Would Shoot “The Apprentice” From White House If He Wins

SHOCK: Trump Told NBC He Would Shoot “The Apprentice” From White House If He Wins

Donald Trump made himself famous in two ways: by scrawling his name on the sides of buildings in giant letters like a petulant child with terrible taste in fonts, and by hosting the reality show Celebrity Apprentice.

Many have compared his campaign to a television reality show, pointing to the way that Trump conducts his campaign like a reality show; relying on the off-the cuff remarks at his rallies and engaging in public feuds with cheap insults rather than the traditional methods of campaigning like policy proposals, the speeches, or campaign ads.

So it’ll come as no surprise that Donald Trump – before he was fired from NBC for his appalling remarks about Hispanic immigrants – was planning on literally turning his administration and the White House into a set for his reality show.

Vanity Fair editor Sarah Ellison noted in a forgotten interview that resurfaced on a recent podcast that“NBCUniversal Chief Executive Steve Burke and Trump outlined, presumably fantastically, that Trump should run for president; and on the off chance that he won, he would continue to star in ‘The Apprentice’ from within the White House.”

We can only imagine that Trump will still want to fulfill that lofty ambition, possibly from his own Trump television network. It’s yet another sign that Donald Trump is not taking this campaign seriously; that he has no intention of actually governing the nation or any idea how to do so; and that he is a self-obsessed narcissist who would make a mockery of our nation in the eyes of the world for a couple bucks.


Colin Taylor
Opinion columnist and former editor-in-chief of Occupy Democrats. He graduated from Bennington College with a Bachelor's degree in history and political science. He now focuses on advancing the cause of social justice and equality in America.

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