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Mexican President: Trump Is Lying, I Told Him We Are NOT Paying For The Wall

Mexican President: Trump Is Lying, I Told Him We Are NOT Paying For The Wall

Following Republican nominee Donald Trump’s surprise meeting with Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto, the leader of our southern neighbor and the racist real estate mogul took turns delivering prepared remarks. Taking advantage of Trump’s ignorance, Nieto proceeded to school Trump on the truth to his own face, debunking all the lies that Trump repeats over and over at his rallies.

“Undocumented immigration from Mexico to the U.S. had its highest point 10 years ago and it has slowed down consistently, even to the point of being negative in a net effect at this point” said Nieto, going on to mock Trump for portraying “a clearly incomplete version” that doesn’t take into account the way that the free flow of American weapons and our insatiable appetite for cocaine all contribute heavily to crime and violence in both Mexico and the United States. “Every year, millions of dollars and weapons come in from the north that strengthen the cartels and other criminal organizations that generate violence in Mexico.”

Nieto told Reuters that he told Trump that he will not pay for the wall, while Trump told reporters that they didn’t discuss who would pay at all.

Listening to Trump’s speeches or watching one of his misleading ads, you’ll hear an apocalyptic vision of the world that sees millions of Mexicans pouring over the border to take your jobs, where terrorists hide under your bed and drug-dealing gangsters run entire cities. It’s classic fearmongering in its most primitive form, and any cursory Google search can prove that in fact the economic situation is not “disastrous,” that net immigration is in fact down, that jobs are being sent overseas by predatory capitalists like Donald Trump, and that crime across the board has been dropping for years.

Trump was noticeably low-energy and subdued as he read his prepared remarks, and admitted that he did not bring up who would pay for the “wall” that has been the centerpiece of his campaign – which Nieto said he will NOT pay for. It would appear he is softening his stance to try to appeal to more independents, judging from his remarks about what was good for “the hemisphere” – perhaps now he will say he meant make the Americas great again? Either way, this trip has not been a success for Mr. Trump – corrected to his face by a sitting President and shamed into admitting he was forced to back off on the one tangible idea his rabid followers obsess over.

Colin Taylor
Opinion columnist and former editor-in-chief of Occupy Democrats. He graduated from Bennington College with a Bachelor's degree in history and political science. He now focuses on advancing the cause of social justice and equality in America.

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