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Hypocrite Trump Tried To Force His Second Wife To Strip Nude For Playboy

Hypocrite Trump Tried To Force His Second Wife To Strip Nude For Playboy

Donald Trump’s inability to see women as anything more than sexual objects is legendary at this point, as is his astounding hypocrisy. Two days ago, Trump sent out a 3 am Twitter attack against former Miss Universe winner Alicia Machado, calling her “disgusting” for appearing in Playboy and for performing in a risque but nonpornographic love scene in a Spanish soap opera. One day ago, we discovered that Trump himself had appeared in a Playboy softcore porn video.

But as it seems with every Trump story, there’s always more dirt to be unearthed, revealing an even more outrageous hypocrisy. So it will come as no surprise to learn that the Republican nominee, so beloved of America’s conservative evangelical population, tried to force his second wife to appear nude in Playboy magazine, even negotiating the fees himself.

TalkingPointsMemo found an old 1990 New York Post article in which details how Trump pressured Marla Maples to strip for the gentlemen’s magazine, which Trump clearly idolizes.

“Notably, she did resist Trump’s insistence that she accept Playboy magazine’s million-dollar centerfold offer. “Trump himself was on the phone negotiating the fee,” remember a top Playboy editor. “He wanted her to do the nude layout. She didn’t.” (“I’m thankful for my body, but I didn’t want to exploit it,” Marla offers. “How would I ever be taken seriously?”)


Donald Trump would later cheat on Marla Maples with his current wife, Melania Trump, and heartlessly told Maples he was divorcing her by telling tabloids and sending her a copy of the cover.

The Republican nominee doesn’t see his wives – or women in general – as people. They are objects for him to display to the world, valued only for their appearance, their beauty just another way for him to show off to the world and feed his insatiable ego. It’s astonishing how the so-called “Christian conservatives” of this country support such a selfish, greedy, and morally corrupt womanizer with no respect for the “sanctity of marriage” that they treasure so much.

Colin Taylor
Opinion columnist and former editor-in-chief of Occupy Democrats. He graduated from Bennington College with a Bachelor's degree in history and political science. He now focuses on advancing the cause of social justice and equality in America.

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