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J.K. Rowling Just Called Out Men Who Defend Trump’s Sex Assault Bragging

J.K. Rowling Just Called Out Men Who Defend Trump’s Sex Assault Bragging

World reknowned British author J.K. Rowling just whipped out her magic wand on twitter, and explained to clueless Trump supporters precisely why the entire world is mortified of this year’s degenerate Republican presidential campaign. The Harry Potter series creator’s wise words traveled far beyond her 8.5 million followers. It all went down because the horde of twitter’s notorious trolls began attacking the author, and she responded by skewering Donald Trump and his squalid defenders in just one glorious tweet.

Rowling’s tweet went epically viral, then something amazing happened. She was bombarded by men who disowned Trump’s horrid bragging about getting away with sexual assault and marital infidelity because “he’s famous” and wealthy.

Rowling’s tweet-storm then highlighted the global concern felt by everyone who isn’t a US citizen over the Republican nominee’s unstable temperament. Echoing Democratic VP nominee Tim Kaine’s heartfelt quotation from last week’s debate, “The thought of Donald Trump as Commander-in-Chief scares us to death,” the author wrote:

Sadly, polls say that 74% of Republicans fervently believe in their narcissistic nominee, and plan to vote for him anyway. If any of those Trump voters are her fans, make sure they read this story before November 8th.

She might be a fiction writer, but J.K. Rowling’s logical conclusion about the paramount importance of solid facts in politics is indisputable. The Harry Potter author ended her magical tweet-storm by skewering Trump’s ‘facts don’t matter’ approach to politics.

Grant Stern
is the Executive Editor of Occupy Democrats and published author. His new Meet the Candidates 2020 book series is distributed by Simon and Schuster. He's also mortgage broker, community activist and radio personality in Miami, Florida., as well as the producer of the Dworkin Report podcast. Grant is also an occasional contributor to Raw Story, Alternet, and the DC Report, and an unpaid senior advisor to the Democratic Coalition and a Director of Sunshine Agenda Inc. a government transparency nonprofit organization. Get all of his stories sent directly to your inbox here:

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