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Joe Biden Just Unloaded On Trump For Bragging About Sexually Assaulting Women (VIDEO)

Joe Biden Just Unloaded On Trump For Bragging About Sexually Assaulting Women (VIDEO)

In this clip, Vice President Joe Biden calls out Donald Trump and labels his behavior for what it is – sexual assault. Biden sat down with Seth Meyers to discuss the comments Trump made in 2005 in which he admits that sexual assault is not just something that he has committed in the past, but is his modus operandi when it comes to approaching women.

“First of all, what I found astounding is that he would so publicly—no matter who he was talking to—that he would acknowledge that he engaged in the textbook definition of sexual assault. I mean, this is absolutely outrageous behavior. I’ve spent more of my career trying to figure out how to change the culture in this country so that we treat women with respect and with dignity.”

Given that five different women have shared their stories with the world today about being groped or attacked by Donald Trump – after these remarks were filmed – its clear that Donald Trump is a serial sexual predator a history of sex assaults that stretches back decades.

We must change the culture that surrounds sexuality and consent in this nation. The women of America deserve better; not because they are our mothers, sisters, daughters as the sexist Republicans use as a justification for revoking support of Trump, not because they are defined to men by some kind of relationship, but by fundamentally recognizing that they are people that deserve the same respect and protection and hold the same rights that cisgender white males do. Once we do that, then perhaps men won’t be quick to treat women and trans Americans like sexual objects.

Colin Taylor
Opinion columnist and former editor-in-chief of Occupy Democrats. He graduated from Bennington College with a Bachelor's degree in history and political science. He now focuses on advancing the cause of social justice and equality in America.

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