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Trump Says The Election Is “Rigged.” Mark Cuban’s Response Is Perfect

Trump Says The Election Is “Rigged.” Mark Cuban’s Response Is Perfect

Republican nominee Donald Trump has become notorious for cherry-picking his own reality. Some days he knows “the system” better than anybody, saying in July – and again in August – that “I am a person that used to be establishment when I’d give them hundreds of thousands of dollars. But when I decided to run, I became very anti-establishment, because I understand the system than anybody else.”

These days, however, he’s changed his mind and is now complaining about how he is the victim of a “rigged” system that he may or may not understand. “The whole system is rigged and that’s why when the media does what they’re doing now, that’s rigging the system folks. It’s rigging the system” said Trump at a rally in North Carolina last week, before going to say, in case anyone had missed it, that “The election is rigged. It’s rigged like you’ve never seen before. They’re rigging the system.”

Billionaire entrepreneur and outspoken Trump critic Mark Cuban called out Trump on his systemic flip-flopping this weekend on Twitter, mocking him for his past comments and taking a potshot at Trump’s constantly over-inflated valuations of his own wealth.

Cuban’s remarks highlight the inherent hypocrisy that Trump’s campaign is built on – this absurd idea that a man who has spent his whole life enriching himself by exploiting “the system” is going to be the one to somehow turn things around and reform it from within, when he himself is a walking representation of everything that is wrong with the United States of America.

In case you were wondering, Bloomberg puts the real value of Trump’s wealth at $2.9 billion – still an outrageous amount of money, but not nearly as much as he likes to pretend he has.

Staff Report
This is a staff report from former Occupy Democrats Editor in Chief Colin Taylor or contributor Rob Haffney.

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