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FOX: Latinos Are Already CRUSHING Trump At The Polls

FOX: Latinos Are Already CRUSHING Trump At The Polls

Republicans are fond of blaming the media for their troubles, but never blaming voters for utterly rejecting their party’s platform of racism, hatred and economic inequality. To some Republican voters, it will even come as a surprise that Donald Trump loses next week’s election, but the signs were all there and here’s an excerpt from just one of the rare Fox News stories that admits it: “‘Sleeping Giant’ awake and roaring – early voting shows high Latino turnout“:

The tens of millions of early votes cast point to strength from Democratic-leaning Latino voters, potentially giving Clinton a significant advantage in Nevada and Colorado. With more than half the votes already cast in those states, Democrats are matching if not exceeding their successful 2012 pace, according to data compiled by The Associated Press.

Latinos, another group that Democrats have been banking on, are turning out in larger numbers than anticipated, and they very well may be the ones who give the party’s presidential nominee the margin of victory. “We are seeing the trajectory of the election change in some states, but Democrats are also making up ground,” said Michael McDonald, a University of Florida professor and expert in voter turnout.

They don’t let Sean Hannity or Lou Dobbs on to Fox News Latino, which is probably why it actually publishes some factual stories, unlike Fox News or Fox Business, who just today had to retract an entirely false story about Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.

Meanwhile, Univision exit polling is showing that Latinos have the same high level of regard for Hillary Clinton in Florida that they have for President Barack Obama. This level of support is considered key to the Democratic nominee’s strategy to win the Sunshine State, which would act as a firewall, closing almost all of the Republican nominee’s paths to the presidency. The Miami Herald reports:

Hillary Clinton has hit a key marker among Florida Hispanics, according to a new poll: She’s reached the level of popularity that helped President Barack Obama win the nation’s largest battleground state in 2012.

Sixty percent of Florida Latinos favor Clinton, the Univision News poll shows. That’s the same number that voted for Obama four years ago, according to exit polls from that election.

The polls further indicate that Hillary Clinton will probably get at least 60% of the latino vote in Florida, but there’s 9% of the sample that is still not decided, so it could be much higher by the time election day finishes.

Politico is reporting that the Democratic nominee’s 30-point lead amongst Latino voters in Florida isn’t just a problem for Trump, but that for the entire GOP it’s a “terrifying” prospect. For the wing of the Republican party that likes to win elections, this poll is probably invoking the moment where they see their party’s entire electoral history as the party of Lincoln flash before its eyes, which can only mean that the end of the decadently twisted Grand Old Party is near.

Republicans wrote an autopsy of their party after their politics of division, hatred and the 47% blew the 2012 election, which declared the GOP dead in the water. Particularly, the report cited the Tea Party’s radical anti-immigration policies, racist dog whistles and the war on women.

Luckily, that spurred the rank and file GOP voters in 2016 to pick an orange zombie Presidential candidate, a man who has turned off women and latinos like a switch, and added muslims, finished off black people and finally convinced college educated voters to trust that the Democratic party is the only rational political actor that can be trusted.

Donald Trump’s “safe zone” – THE Fox News Network – is reporting a massive turnout in the latino communities the Republican candidate so despises.

Now, there is absolutely no way he can claim that the election is rigged next Tuesday night when all of the major news networks pronounce his campaign dead, and the Republican Party along with it.

Grant Stern
is the Executive Editor of Occupy Democrats and published author. His new Meet the Candidates 2020 book series is distributed by Simon and Schuster. He's also mortgage broker, community activist and radio personality in Miami, Florida., as well as the producer of the Dworkin Report podcast. Grant is also an occasional contributor to Raw Story, Alternet, and the DC Report, and an unpaid senior advisor to the Democratic Coalition and a Director of Sunshine Agenda Inc. a government transparency nonprofit organization. Get all of his stories sent directly to your inbox here:

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