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Trump Just Announced He Won’t Live In White House Full Time, Wants To Golf & Relax

Trump Just Announced He Won’t Live In White House Full Time, Wants To Golf & Relax

Poor Donald Trump is in for quite a rude awakening. It’s clear that he never really considered what winning the presidency actually entails, because he has announced that he doesn’t want to live in the White House- or has any interest in governing at all.

The New York Times reports that Trump wants to spend most of his time at his New York penthouse: “Advisers told the Times that the president-elect would like to spend his weekends either in his Trump Tower home, his New Jersey golf course or his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida.”

One of the most shocking remarks however, is Trump’s apparent resistance to the the responsibilities of his office: “The questions reflect what Mr. Trump’s advisers described as the president-elect’s coming to grips with the fact that his life is about to change radically.”

Coming to grips with it?

Sorry, Trump, you aren’t a child going through puberty. You are the president of the United States, a choice you actively chose to make. There is no “coming to grips” with it.

But Trump’s childlike desire to dodge his responsibilities and just enjoy the perks of office don’t stop there.

His aides say he has also expressed interest in continuing to hold the large rallies that were a staple of his candidacy. He likes the instant gratification and adulation that the cheering crowds provide, and his aides are discussing how they might accommodate his demand.

It was obvious from the start that Donald Trump’s candidacy was nothing but an elaborate massage to his hyperinflated ego and sense of self-importance. The magnitude of the appalling mistake the American people have made is simply mind blowing.

America, meet your lazy teenager-in-chief.

Colin Taylor
Opinion columnist and former editor-in-chief of Occupy Democrats. He graduated from Bennington College with a Bachelor's degree in history and political science. He now focuses on advancing the cause of social justice and equality in America.

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