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Anti-Gay Mike Pence’s New DC Neighbors Just Welcomed Him In The Best Way (PHOTOS)

Anti-Gay Mike Pence’s New DC Neighbors Just Welcomed Him In The Best Way (PHOTOS)

Unfortunately, it appears that former Indiana Governor and anti-LGBT religious extremist Mike Pence will in fact be moving into Washington D.C. He has rented a small house to prepare for his eventual move to the vice presidential mansion – and his new neighbors have a surprise for him!


When Pence pulls up to his new house, he will be greeted by rainbow flags celebrating LGBTQ Americans. “A respectful message showing, in my case, my disagreement with some of his thinking,” said local Ilse Heintzen.

Mike Pence caused a national firestorm last summer when he signed a religious freedom protection act law that legalized discrimination against LGBTQ citizens on the grounds that their very existence violated the religious liberty of Christian extremists.

He also once attempted to redirect federal anti-HIV funds to “gay conversion therapy,” an appallingly traumatic pseudoscientific practice that attempts to “convert” LGBTQ people back to being straight.

Every single act of resistance, however minor or petty it might be, is enormously important in fighting back against the normalization of extremism and discrimination. Mike Pence is an unrepentant bigot and we must take every opportunity to remind him that while the American people respect his right to be a horrible person, we stand united against his efforts to legislate bigotry into our nation’s laws.

Watch a local news report on the flags here:

Colin Taylor
Opinion columnist and former editor-in-chief of Occupy Democrats. He graduated from Bennington College with a Bachelor's degree in history and political science. He now focuses on advancing the cause of social justice and equality in America.

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