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The Hill Just Demanded Trump Testify Under Oath Over Obama Wiretap Claims

The Hill Just Demanded Trump Testify Under Oath Over Obama Wiretap Claims

In a hard-hitting editorial, respected political journal The Hill has called for the Senate Intelligence Committee to have President Donald trump testify before it under oath.

They want Trump to:

explain in detail the evidence he claims to possess that led him to charge that President Obama committed the crime of illegally ordering wiretapping against him in the 2016 campaign, which would mean that the FBI or any federal agency that carried out this alleged order also committed federal crimes.

Incensed that a sitting President would level such massive unverified charges against this immediate predecessor, even Senator Ben Sasse (R-Neb.) said:

“We are in the midst of a civilization-warping crisis of public trust, and the president’s allegations today demand the thorough and dispassionate attention of serious patriots.”

Former officials in the Obama Administration and the Justice Department have repeatedly stated that Trump’s charges are simply not true, and even current Administration members have been unable to provide a shred of evidence backing up the President’s twitter-fueled charges.

The Hill continues to hold Trump’s feet to the fire:

It should be unthinkable, unimaginable and unacceptable that an American president would systematically attack and seek to destroy public trust in core protectors of our democracy including our federal judiciary, our free press and our intelligence services while accusing our last president of criminal acts without offering a shred of evidence.

The editorial goes on to call for all patriotic Americans, regardless of party, to condemn Trumps’s attacks and pressure him to deliver sworn testimony in front of impartial investigators …or else deliver a very public apology to Barack Obama!


Vinnie Longobardo
Managing Editor
Vinnie Longobardo is the Managing Editor of Occupy Democrats. He's a 35-year veteran of the TV, mobile & internet industries, specializing in start-ups and the international media business. His passions are politics, music, and art.

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