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Melissa McCarthy Just Made an Announcement That Will Ruin Spicer’s Week

Melissa McCarthy Just Made an Announcement That Will Ruin Spicer’s Week

Ever since Melissa McCarthy debuted her scathing but accurately spastic Sean Spicer impression, Saturday Night Live has been ruining the weekends of Trump and his press secretary. Two weeks into his Presidency, reports leaked from the White House that McCarthy’s portrayal, even more than Alec Baldwin’s, got under Trump’s notoriously thin skin.

It looks like it will get worse for Trump and Spicer before it gets better. McCarthy told USA Today that she’s preparing to up the ante.

“I’m just watching and observing,” the star said. “And in the meantime, I just squirrel away notes.”

As for a week that has already exploded in Spicer’s face numerous times, McCarthy is waiting to binge watch. “I have yet to see today’s. I’ll see that later,” she said before joking: “Was it very clear and on point?”

“It’s what SNL does so well,” she explained. “It’s political satire. It’s there to skewer and kind of be a watchdog in a playful way of what’s actually happening. It’s just that perhaps we have gone further in reality than we thought we ever would. So I’m glad that SNL still is there to lovingly poke the bear.”

Outside the White House, it’s good to hear that McCarthy is gearing up for more. Laughter will be critical to making it through this presidency.

With Saturday still a few days off, here’s one that never gets old:

Sheila Norton
Sheila Norton is a writer with ten years of Capitol Hill experience. Subscribe to the OD Action email to get all the hottest news delivered right to your inbox every day at

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