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Sean Spicer Just Defended Hitler. MSNBC’s Response Is Perfect

Sean Spicer Just Defended Hitler. MSNBC’s Response Is Perfect

Earlier this afternoon, White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer made some astonishingly offensive remarks during his daily briefing with the White House press corps.

In an effort to criticize the Russian Federation’s alliance with the regime of murderous dictator Bashar al-Assad, who regularly uses chemical weapons to slaughter innocent civilians, Spicer said that not even Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler “didn’t even sink to using chemical weapons” at his “holocaust centers… I think when you come to sarin gas, he was not using the gas on his own people the same way that Assad is doing.”

Adolf Hitler and the Nazi regime systematically murdered six million Jews and five million others in death camps using Zyklon-B, a highly toxic poison gas which causes an agonizing death.

The producers at MSNBC were so horrified by Spicer’s insensitive remarks – during Passover week, no less – that they were quick to fact-check him on the air:

Nobody is denying that Bashar al-Assad is a murderous monster who is committing genocide against his own people. But for Sean Spicer to engage in barely-concealed anti-Semitic dog whistles and dabble in Holocaust denial during a sacred week for the American Jewish community is a clear sign that the currents of anti-Semitic white supremacy that animate the Trump White House are still just as strong as ever.

Colin Taylor
Opinion columnist and former editor-in-chief of Occupy Democrats. He graduated from Bennington College with a Bachelor's degree in history and political science. He now focuses on advancing the cause of social justice and equality in America.

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