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Trump’s ex-press secretary complains that she doesn’t like being “called a liar”

Trump’s ex-press secretary complains that she doesn’t like being “called a liar”

LOW BAR: Wait 'til you hear who the Republicans picked to deliver SOTU rebuttal

Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the former White House Press Secretary, laid low for a short while after her departure from the Trump administration.

However, now that she realizes that she has a divine calling to follow in her father Mike Huckabee’s footsteps to run for governor of Arkansas, she is back in the news and seeking the limelight in preparation for launching her campaign and maintaining a public profile.

The mainstream media that Sanders spent so much of her time while in her position as the chief media liaison for the White House decrying as “fake news” on behalf of her boss Donald Trump quickly opened its arms to welcome her back and give her an unimpeded platform to spew her propaganda, this time on her own behalf.

Add your name to tell Congress to investigate Pence for his role in Trump’s Ukraine corruption. The VP is complicit!

In an interview with The New York Times — a publication that surprisingly remains in business despite the president’s repeated descriptions of the newspaper as “failing” — Sanders revealed that she was disturbed by the attacks she faced as Trump’s mouthpiece.

“I was attacked for everything, not just my performance,” Sanders recalled of her time in the White House. “I was called a fat soccer mom, my kids were threatened, my life was threatened. It was a lot. I hate harping on it, but to be in the position I’m in and to have Secret Service, that’s not normal.”

Normality would hardly be the term used for Sanders’ performance as a press secretary more concerned with protecting the imaginary world constructed by her boss than delivering to the press the truth about what the administration was up to, even if the delivery of the truth would eventually lead to criminal indictments.

It was the accusations of her violation the ninth commandment — bearing false witness —  however, that bothered Sanders the most.

“I don’t like being called a liar,” the former press secretary said. “The other stuff bothered me far less.”

A statement like that from the woman who relentlessly insisted on passing off Donald Trump’s boldest lies as sacred truth without batting an eyelash on her “perfect smokey eyes” makes one want to punch the wall in frustration while shouting “if you don’t like being called a liar than why the hell did you stay in that job for so long and why do you keep spreading Trump’s obviously untrue propaganda on Fox News now?”

This was, after all, a woman who denied that Trump made hush-money payoffs to his porn star mistresses, despite the fact that Trump himself admitted to them; denied that the president ever “promoted or encouraged violence,” despite the fact that videotape exists of Trump declaring at one of his campaign rallies “If you see somebody getting ready to throw a tomato, knock the crap out of them, would you? Seriously, okay. Just knock the hell—I promise you I will pay for the legal fees, I promise;” and claimed that “countless…individuals who work at the FBI who said they were very happy” about the president’s firing of James Comey, a claim she was forced to retract in her testimony to Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

While Sarah Huckabee Sanders may be seeking redemption to advance her anticipated future political career, her failure to acknowledge her proven past as a serial professional prevaricator should disqualify her from consideration as a candidate for any political office whatsoever.

Some advice to Sanders: if you don’t like being called a liar, try telling the truth for a change.

It’s amazing how that can prevent accusations that you’d rather not have leveled your way.

Follow Vinnie Longobardo on Twitter.

Original reporting by Amy Russo at HuffPost.

Vinnie Longobardo
Managing Editor
Vinnie Longobardo is the Managing Editor of Occupy Democrats. He's a 35-year veteran of the TV, mobile & internet industries, specializing in start-ups and the international media business. His passions are politics, music, and art.

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