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Trump rants about the 1950s Yankees and handsome Republicans in bonkers presser

Trump rants about the 1950s Yankees and handsome Republicans in bonkers presser

With every Republican senator but one voting to continue our current Idiocracy rather than hold the president accountable for his proven constitutional violations, Donald Trump is unleashed and ready to seek revenge on his political enemies.

In a post-acquittal speech to the American people this morning, Trump emulated that moment in a comic book-based movie plot when the supervillain — at a temporary advantage over the heroes fighting his evil plans — rubs his hands together and gloats, “bwa-ha-ha-ing” his way towards his ultimate undoing.

The primary difference, however, is that comic book supervillains are typically portrayed as evil geniuses who have somehow gone astray, while Donald Trump — although he may think he is a “stable genius” — is in actuality a vindictive, “f#@king moron” as his own former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson once described him.

The examples demonstrating the defects in Trump’s addled brain are legion, and the president added amply to the list in his speech today.

As he rambled from one irrelevant topic to another during his remarks, Trump hinted at his plans to seek revenge on the “horrible” people behind his impeachment, singling out House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Congressman Adam Schiff (D-CA) as the ringleaders of the supposed “hoax,” as he calls the legitimate exercise of their constitutional duties.

Add your name to tell the ABA: Disbar William Barr for abusing the Justice Department to abet Trump’s corruption!

He also exhibited the undisciplined manner in which his faulty, aging mind works by peppering in random musings on topics as diverse as how much the wife of Congressman Steve Scalise (R-LA) must love him after seeing her emotional reaction to the nearly three-year-old shooting of her husband at a congressional softball game practice.

“A lot of wives wouldn’t give a damn,” Trump said, providing a valuable insight into his own marital relationships that isn’t particularly surprising.

Trump went on to then on to tell Rep. Scalise that the near-death experience in the unsuccessful assassination attempt improved his looks.

As is typical with most people his age with encroaching dementia, the president fixated on past memories from his younger days as he launched into a completely off-topic section of his often aimless speech with a discussion of a somewhat obscure New York Yankees second baseman from the 1950s and 1960s, Bobby Richardson.

Among Trump’s other mental lapses during his speech was his description of his supposed “total acquittal” in the rigged senate trial without witnesses or evidence as “that gorgeous word.”

“Now we have that gorgeous word, I never thought a word would sound so good, it’s called ‘total acquittal,’” he said, adding one plus one to equal one.

Democrats have a gorgeous word of their own by Trump’s standards: it’s called “impeached forever.”

In a new low by the norms of presidential decorum in publicly broadcast speeches, Trump also called the investigations that have been conducted into his actions and that of his administration and campaign “bullsh*t,” despite the eight associates who either pleaded or were found guilty of numerous counts of federal crimes.

It’s incredibly sad that the GOP Senators had the chance to at least partially redeem their party and help save the country from the erratic leadership of a president in obvious mental decline and failed to remove Trump at the first available opportunity.

Luckily, we still have the opportunity to get rid of this national embarrasment at the ballot box in November…for now at least. Plus, there is the opportunity for the House to file another set of impeachment articles as additional evidence of the president’s crimes come to light. Trump has certainly provided ample fodder for another round of investigations and, given how much he appears to feel persecuted by Democrats, it would provide something predictable for him in his daily routine to tweet about endlessly.

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Vinnie Longobardo
Managing Editor
Vinnie Longobardo is the Managing Editor of Occupy Democrats. He's a 35-year veteran of the TV, mobile & internet industries, specializing in start-ups and the international media business. His passions are politics, music, and art.

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