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George Conway snarks Ivanka’s “stay at home” call after her vacation trip to golf club

George Conway snarks Ivanka’s “stay at home” call after her vacation trip to golf club

It’s hardly a revelation at this point that the Trumps think themselves above the rest of America. Donald himself has long flaunted his disregard for the laws the rest of us abide by, rising to his position of great wealth largely through tax schemes devised by his father.

The rest of the president’s family shares his ridiculously inflated sense of self, which is why people like Ivanka and Jared Kushner, who have no government experience and no qualifications to serve, hold unearned positions of serious power within the administration. A normal person would have realized they could never hope to do these jobs well given their resumes, but Ivanka and Jared grossly overestimate their own value.

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Recently, the First Daughter once again reminded us that the Trumps believe themselves immune to the rules the rest of us play by. She urged Americans to stay home if they have the ability to do so in order to combat the coronavirus…

…and then proceeded to ignore her own advice. She and her husband took their three children out of Washington D.C. to celebrate Passover at Trump National Golf Club Bedminister, located in New Jersey.

Apparently, the American people are expected to practice social distancing and make sacrifices to slow the spread of COVID-19 but our self-styled rulers can’t even be bothered to skip a vacation. The level of entitlement at play here is nauseating.

Outrage would be an appropriate response to this hypocrisy, but mockery is a reasonable alternative. George Conway, husband of Trump’s counselor Kellyanne Conway and a frequent critic of this administration, took to Twitter to mock Ivanka’s statement that those “lucky enough” to be able to stay home should do so.

“those lucky enough to be in a position to have a taxpayer-funded Secret Service detail drive them hundreds of miles to their second homes at their father’s golf club, please, please do so,” Conway tweeted, succinctly boiling the absurdity of the First Daughter’s behavior to its core elements.

It’s not enough that Americans are paying to fly her around and protect her, we also have to listen to her patronize us about taking safety precautions which she herself cannot even be bothered to adhere to.

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Staff Report
This is a staff report from former Occupy Democrats Editor in Chief Colin Taylor or contributor Rob Haffney.

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