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Morning Joe explodes at Trump for wishing virus would go away by the fall

Morning Joe explodes at Trump for wishing virus would go away by the fall

MSNBC host and former Republican Joe Scarborough unloaded on the president this morning in response to unhelpful and unrealistic comments made yesterday at his latest coronavirus press conference.

Trump claimed, with ignorance or malice, that the coronavirus pandemic “won’t be coming back in the form that it was” in the fall. It constituted just his latest effort to downplay the severity of COVID-19 and was an assessment completely removed from reality. The virus will definitely emerge in another serious outbreak in the fall and the president’s own health officials made sure to say as much lest Trump’s message warp expectations.

“We will have coronavirus in the fall. I am convinced of that,” said Dr. Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

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With his overly hopeful comments, Trump was either showcasing the persistent ignorance that has defined his administration or, perhaps more likely, he was projecting a false optimism in the hopes of boosting his poll numbers. Either is deeply irresponsible.

Scarborough sounded furious as he attacked the president’s remarks. He slammed Trump’s previous comments about how the virus would vanish miraculously.

“We’re going to have probably by the end of next week more people dead from COVID-19 than died in the entire Vietnam tragedy. In the entire Vietnam War! More Americans dead from COVID-19, this thing that he said would magically go away in April,” thundered Scarborough. He then proceeded to reel off some of Trump’s other pandemic mistakes with equal emotion, working himself into a rage.

“This is not breaking news!” Scarborough said of the fact that the virus will return in the fall. “How could the president not learn from his mistakes and still ignore his doctors, when every medical person will tell you, the pandemic could be the worst, the worst, during flu season?”

“Why am I getting so riled up? Because the president wasn’t prepared before right? The president was told in January by everybody in his administration that this was coming!” Scarborough went on. “Even [Peter] Navarro warned him, 500,000 people could die. The president ignored it! He didn’t prepare! 50,000 people are dead now because of it, right? He didn’t prepare. There should have been a lot less people dead!”

Watch the fiery tirade below.

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