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Schumer tears into McConnell for wasting time on Trump’s judges while virus rages

Schumer tears into McConnell for wasting time on Trump’s judges while virus rages

Not even a global pandemic can convince the Republican Party to prioritize the welfare of the American people over their own political interests. The GOP’s dual stranglehold over the Senate and Oval Office is an incredible liability at a time when the federal government needs to be able to react quickly to the constantly shifting nature of this viral outbreak.

Instead, we find ourselves in an inevitable position in which any measures enacted have to be watered down to appease a conservative movement innately disdainful of government and pathologically averse to any kind of federal economic action that doesn’t primarily benefit the super-wealthy.

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Earlier today, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) took a stand and called out Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) over his party’s failure to do enough for those suffering due to the current crisis. Schumer specifically criticized McConnell’s obsession with passing judicial nominees when he should be far more focused on COVID-19.

“We need to know why we still don’t have enough tests. Months ago, in early March, here’s what President Trump said: ‘Anybody who needs a test gets a test.’ It was a lie then, it remains a lie now,” said Schumer.

Fox News’ Chad Pergram reported on the McConnell-specific remarks.

“Leader McConnell must hear this. Right now Leader McConnell and the Republican majority should shelve the divisive judicial fights and the partisan, divisive red lines. Let’s focus on working together: to heal the sick, employ the unemployed, stabilize the economy,” said Schumer.

Schumer shared similar sentiments on his personal Twitter page, urging McConnell and the rest of the Senate Republicans to focus on helping Americans recover from the coronavirus outbreak instead of focusing on “confirming right-wing judges or protecting big businesses that threaten to put workers at serious risk.”

The Senate Minority Leader’s assessment is spot on. Americans are dying by the tens of thousands and still McConnell has his party focused single-mindedly on entrenching more right-wing lunatics in our court systems.

Under normal circumstances, McConnell’s judicial fixation should be seen as a methodical assault on our democracy. With a pandemic raging, his continued insistence on forcing through judges while the country struggles to get enough testing done is nothing short of abject evil. People will die because of the GOP’s actions.

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