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CNN cuts away from Trump’s RNC speech after tidal wave of “outright lies”

CNN cuts away from Trump’s RNC speech after tidal wave of “outright lies”

President Trump addressed the Republican National Convention this afternoon and proved immediately that reports indicating he might take a more positive note with his remarks were entirely false. Instead of any optimism, Trump began telling outrageous lies about Democratic efforts to steal the election right off the bat, to the point where both CNN and MSNBC cut away to avoid promoting his preposterous falsehoods any further.

The lies didn’t stop there, but accelerated out of his mouth so fast there is no way fact-checkers could do their jobs in real-time.

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At this point, none of us should be particularly surprised by this, seeing as Trump lies constantly at every public appearance and repeats the same ones over and over and over again, but it is terrifying to think of how many Americans accept his words as fact — and how small of an effect fact-checking seems to have on fighting the spread of his falsehoods.

Of course, it doesn’t help when networks like MSNBC air the entire speech and then admit at the end that all of it was entirely made up.

His words are a stark reminder that this election will be both the most important in history and perhaps the largest challenge the American people have ever faced. They will try to throw the pandemic at us, try to sabotage the post office, make us stand in line for hours upon hours — and we must meet every obstacle they put in our way with all the blood, sweat, and tears that we can shed in order to save this nation from another four years of disaster.


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