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Republican Senator panics and malfunctions after reporter reminds him that Trump’s comments are on tape

Republican Senator panics and malfunctions after reporter reminds him that Trump’s comments are on tape

The president’s Republican allies in Congress have predictably refused to address the damning audio released by veteran journalist Bob Woodward that shows the president admitting to downplaying the severity of the COVID-19 virus and the subsequent deaths of 200,000 people, with the majority of them simply insisting they haven’t heard the audio or seen the book. Such displays of repulsive cowardice are all we can expect from our elected officials in the wake of each new increasingly offensive and damning Trump scandal.

The reason for doing so is quite clear, as the few times they do try to defend the president’s actions and statements usually end in an embarrassing disaster.

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Sen. John Kennedy of Louisiana found this out the hard way in an interview with CNN. While he surely thought he was clever in coming up with the phrase “gotcha book,” the existence of the audio proved to be an entirely expected obstacle that Kennedy still did not have an answer for, leading him to panic and robotically repeat himself when reporter Pamela Brown pointed this out:


The idea that there could ever be such a thing as a “gotcha” book is absolutely ridiculous, especially considering that the president himself willingly sat down for interviews not once but eighteen times with Bob Woodward.

Though it’s been evident for decades, the monstrous excesses and abuses of the Donald Trump administration really done a magnificent job of exposing just how modern Republicanism is nothing but a rickety wall of meaningless hyperpatriotism, performative religiosity, barely disguised bigotry and an ersatz set of “values” designed to inflame our most base and primal instincts.

The Republican Senators have made it clear there is nothing that Trump and his goons could do to earn their criticism and nothing they ever say or do should ever be taken seriously or given the benefit of the doubt again; they should be treated with the same disdain and disgust that they treat the Democrats and run out of town as soon as legally possible.


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