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Trump posts manipulated video showing Biden playing “F*ck the Police”

Trump posts manipulated video showing Biden playing “F*ck the Police”

On Wednesday morning, President Trump shared two doctored videos of Vice-President Joe Biden on his Twitter account without a hint of shame, making it grimly clear that he is about to run the dirtiest election campaign this nation has seen since George Bush accused John McCain of fathering an illegitimate Black child.

The first video was a clip of Biden at last night’s campaign event, where he weirdly pulled out his cellphone and played a few seconds of super smash hit song “Despacito” and bobbed around to it.

Immediately seized on for meme fodder by the president’s supporters, the account “United Spot” shared a video where the song is replaced with 90s’ rap group N.W.A‘s infamous hit “F*ck the Police,” which was then blasted out to the President’s millions of followers as part of Trump’s incessant efforts to paint his opponent as being an enemy of the police.

Ironically, the song “F*ck the Police” is an expression of fury and frustration by young Black men at being unfairly targeted, profiled and abused by police officers, but that will certainly be lost on Trump and his supporters, who openly approve of the brutality and discrimination.

While Twitter quickly labeled it as “manipulated media,” you’ll notice that it doesn’t show up when you embed it in websites like this one, meaning that it can be pasted into the Daily Caller’s feeder pages and blasted across Facebook without any indication that it’s not real.

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The second video Trump reposted on his Twitter account shows Biden speaking about the deadly wildfires that have been ravaging the West Coast edited to show a man in a soldier’s uniform with an antifascist symbol on his helmet using an assault rifle to spew flames on to the field behind him, reinforcing the dangerous and absurd right-wing conspiracy theory that “antifas” have been deliberately starting the fires for some unknown but suitably heinous reason.

Twitter did not seem to feel the need to put the “manipulated media” tag on this post.

It is extremely disturbing to see the president posting such obviously fake videos to his account in order to promote easily disproven conspiracy theories about his political rival — and that the enormous tech companies would rather cater to him and his legions of baying fans than do the right thing for the truth and the integrity of our democracy.



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