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Trump’s reckless White House rally immediately descends into terrifying cult-like behavior

Trump’s reckless White House rally immediately descends into terrifying cult-like behavior

On Saturday, President Trump held a rally at the White House, despite almost certainly still carrying the COVID-19 virus and against the recommendations of all doctors that don’t support the president.

It quickly devolved into a disturbing display of fascistic cult worship. While Trump only spoke for 18 minutes, he hit all the pressure points — vile disparagement of his political rivals, outrageous personal aggrandizement, and wildly false declarations of his own accomplishments.

The most disturbing scene of all, though, was seeing the cheering crowds — many of whom were not wearing masks — scream “WE LOVE YOU TRUMP!” over and over again.

Truly, the Trump phenomenon has become a cult, aided by the insane “QAnon” conspiracy theory that is now expanding itself into mystical mom-influencer Instagram by rebranding itself as an anti-pedophilia mission.

The White House has been taking heat all week for holding a “super-spreader” event that infected at least 30 members of the White House and its staff with the COVID-19 virus, but rather than take any lessons from that disaster, they’re holding another one just a week later with over a thousand invitees.

We hope that nobody from this rally gets sick from the virus, because they’re certainly not going to get any of the experimental drugs that allowed the President to recover in just a few short days.


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