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Don Jr. melts down after getting busted reading all the news stories about him testing positive

Don Jr. melts down after getting busted reading all the news stories about him testing positive

Now that Donald Trump Jr. is infected with the novel coronavirus, he has even more time on his hands than he previously did at his “job,” which ostensibly is managing the Trump Organization. Earlier in the day, he announced that he would spend his recuperation and quarantine period “cleaning his guns,” but seeing as there’s only so many times a day you can clean your gun, Donnie J. is back to doing what he loves best: posting.

Being a narcissistic weirdo just like his father, Don Jr. decided to read all the news stories about his coronavirus diagnosis and was caught “liking” them all by a Twitter bot that tracks the Trump family’s online behavior.

Once he was publicly called out on it, Trump Jr. grew furiously defensive and made the critical mistake of announcing that he was doing it so that he could get mad about people being mean to him online.

Like father, like son — completely obsessed with what other people think about them and with finding out who he must take vengeance against.

Social media immediately let him have it:


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