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Social media explodes in mockery after Trump holds presser from a tiny desk

Social media explodes in mockery after Trump holds presser from a tiny desk

While the waning days of the Trump era have been largely characterized by his dangerous lies about mass voter fraud and his refusal to concede to President-elect Joe Biden, they have not been without some levity. Dispersed throughout his screeching tweets about a “rigged election” is a clear glimpse into his shattered ego. Every time he retweets some deluded MAGA-head’s unsourced and untrue claim about the election what he’s really trying to do is desperate soothe his wounded pride. After four years of his cruel and disastrous reign, we can all be forgiven for taking some small joy in his emotional distress.

Yesterday, Trump took another shot at making himself feel better by playacting as “presidential.” The administration set up a video conference in the Diplomatic Room of the White House so that Trump could chat with American servicemen and women as part of a Thanksgiving PR stunt. The event went off the rails shortly after he concluded talking to members of the military when he decided to snap at reporters.

“Don’t talk to me that way. You’re just a lightweight,” Trump said to a reporter after his election lies were pushed back on. “Don’t talk to me that, don’t talk, I’m the president of the United States. Don’t ever talk to the president that way!” he added, sounding very much like a man who is deeply insecure with the fact he will soon cease to be POTUS.

Unfortunately for Trump, his undignified outburst wasn’t even the most embarrassing part of the event. Photographs of the room hit the internet and for some reason, the president was seated behind a comically small desk. The child-sized furniture was a far cry from the Resolute Desk that sits in the Oval Office and ultimately better suited the personality of a president who has acted like a spoiled manchild since day one.

There is, of course, a delicious irony in seeing the man who spent much of his life building enormous skyscrapers to slap his name on in ugly gold print sitting behind a cartoonishly tiny desk. Twitter users unleashed a brutal wave of mockery in response.




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