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Trump’s lawyer issues thinly veiled threat to Republican Senators at the end of his trial

Trump’s lawyer issues thinly veiled threat to Republican Senators at the end of his trial

The Democrats in the Senate have been working for four straight days to accurately and persuasively lay out exactly how ex-President Donald Trump incited a rabid mob to attack Capitol Hill and disrupt the peaceful transfer of power — but sadly, it will all be for naught as the cowards in the Republican Party signal they will vote to acquit no matter how convincing the case may be.

In typical Trump fashion, defense lawyer Bruce Castor dispensed with all subtlety and exposed the real reason that Senate Republicans won’t convict him despite his obvious guilt — they’re scared of Trump turning against them and backing a QAnon devotee right-wing extremist to take their cushy jobs away from them.

This is why we’re treated to the infuriating scene of Republican Senators like Ted Cruz and Lindsey Graham disappearing into rooms with Trump’s defense team, actively colluding with the defendant’s legal team in a trial that they are supposed to be the jurors at.

Making a mockery of the entire trial at every turn, this grim farce is an unmistakable signal that the integrity of every politician with an R by their name is compromised and incapable of putting their country and our democracy above their selfish ambitions.





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