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Trump issues avalanche of delusional projection in response to General Milley’s revelations

Trump issues avalanche of delusional projection in response to General Milley’s revelations

Since leaving office, Donald Trump has had to endure an unending barrage of petty humiliations as the behind-the-scenes horror stories of the Trump administration trickle out in the inevitable tell-all books, fueled by former Trump team members who are very willing to air his dirty laundry.

To make matters worse — at least for him — he can’t even properly address the allegations in any meaningful way beyond posting to his website and hoping his loyal sycophants get the screenshots circulating on Twitter.

The latest Trump statement addresses the new reporting by senior Washington Post correspondent Philip Rucker, whose new book “I Alone Can Fix It” revealed that America’s top generals were terrified that Trump would attempt a coup after he lost the election and saw the January 6th attack as a “Reichstag” moment. It also revealed that General Milley confided to Speaker Nancy Pelosi that the increasingly unhinged Trump might launch nuclear weapons in his final days in office.

Trump responded this morning with a predictable eruption of fury at Speaker Pelosi and an avalanche of delusional cope.

Trump of course is heavily projecting, seeing as the leaders of the world literally laughed at him behind his back at every summit and conference. He was such a bumbling, ignorant, and incredibly abrasive buffoon that everyone but those trying to take advantage of him rightfully shunned Trump on the global stage.

One can’t but help have a feeling that we’re only scratching the surface on the true horrors of the Trump administration and its mad king.


Staff Report
This is a staff report from former Occupy Democrats Editor in Chief Colin Taylor or contributor Rob Haffney.

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