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MAGA-VENTION: Will Don Jr. accept the help he so clearly needs?

MAGA-VENTION: Will Don Jr. accept the help he so clearly needs?

MAGA-VENTION: Will Don Jr. accept the help he so clearly needs?

You could almost pity Donald Trump, Junior. Almost.

Jr. already had all of the strikes against him simply by being named after his worthless unloved pig of a father.

His recently deceased mother always seemed as uninterested in her children as her husband’s mother had been in him.

The specter of Hunter Biden HAUNTS Don Jr., because Hunter Biden’s father openly loves him.

And NOBODY loves Don Jr.

So it’s not really surprising that Jr. has been a miserable excuse of a subhuman for his entire pathetic existence.

It must be exhausting to grow up with such heavy chips on both of your shoulders.

And what makes it worse for him is that WE ALL KNOW IT.

That photo is from a video HE POSTED HIMSELF, which is why Jr. has also been credibly accused of doing drugs, particularly cocaine.

And while we have no solid proof except for just looking at him, I suggested he get some help right around the time of his daddy’s Faux-nauguration in January 2017.

But like his dad, Jr isn’t very good at taking constructive criticism.


Knowing I trigger the Trumps is my life’s blood.

If only I could somehow monetize this power, SIGH!

I’m pretty sure the rest of the family not only knows about Jr’s habit, they also don’t care.

Otherwise, why would Kimberly “Kimmy Golddigger” Guilfoyle be on the Trump payroll?

That opportunistic climber gets $180K a year to keep Jr. barely upright while also getting all of the plastic surgery to turn herself into Melania 2.0 so Jr. can pretend he’s banging his stepmommy.

Just another theory I can’t prove, but the pictures DO NOT LIE.

You did NOT trade up, Kimmy Golddigger.

I can’t even imagine going from superstudly Gavin Newsom to Flaccid Coke Peen Jr.


Jr. clearly needs an intervention, even if his own family doesn’t love him enough to get him the help he needs.

So I say to you today, Donald John Trump, Junior:

“Your behavior has negatively impacted our country in the following ways”:

  1. Your face and your voice are the stuff of nightmares
  2. Your ritual abuse of the English language makes other people dumber
  3. Everyone knows you stole money from your own kids’ cancer charity
  4. That treasoning you’ve been doing

So Coke Drip Jr, is this really how you want people to see you, or will you get the help you so clearly need today?

The choice is yours, because the cocaine in prison won’t be nearly as good as whatever you’ve been snorting off of Kimmy’s new kidneys, and you are nothing but a subhuman cry for help on the daily.


Tara Dublin
Tara is a reported opinion columnist at Occupy Democrats. She's a woefully underappreciated and unrepresented writer currently shopping for a super cool novel that has nothing to do with politics while also fighting fascism on a daily. Follow her on Twitter @taradublinrocks

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