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FAN FICTION: McCarthy’s debt ceiling delusions will make for an interesting meeting with POTUS

FAN FICTION: McCarthy’s debt ceiling delusions will make for an interesting meeting with POTUS

SPOKEN: President Biden BLASTS McCarthy over debt ceiling debacle

President Joe Biden is finally going to sit down with “Weaker” Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA via Donald Trump’s alimentary canal) on Wednesday to discuss the debt ceiling and other pressing issues, the White House confirmed Sunday.

McCarthy made the Sunday news show rounds and pretended he had any right to insist that President Biden “must make compromises” regarding the demands from House GOP if he expects their support in raising the debt ceiling.

That’s pretty rich, considering McCarthy has to be one of the most compromised individuals in Congress as he acts out Trump’s spite agenda on the daily.

Look at Kevin wishing he was literally anywhere else than in a room full of Democrats who know how compromised he is

The thing about compromise is that it’s supposed to be a mutually beneficial situation, not another lopsided seesaw where the GOP weighs down their side with a lot of unnecessary crap that leaves Democrats hanging.

Clearly, Republicans have figured out a way to profit from the American working class literally working themselves to death, but President Biden just isn’t going to let Republicans cut Medicare or Social Security.

I like a President who understands that someone who works their whole lives and pays into their own retirement should actually get to cash out and enjoy it.

Meanwhile, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has shamed everyone involved because her department had to take extreme measures to keep the government open thanks to the GOP being obstinate obstructionists.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) will also be at the White House with the President and the Weaker Speaker, and I would love to be a fly on someone’s head when Kevin McCarthy Taylor Greene is the odd man out, because Schumer knows exactly what McCarthy is and what he’s doing.

“Unfortunately, [McCarthy] let a group of very extreme people, he gave them the tools” to wield power, Schumer said. “The plan is to get our Republican colleagues in the House to understand they’re flirting with disaster and hurting the American people. And to let the American people understand that as well. And I think we’ll win.”

That’s the problem, Chuck.

The Republicans are trying to hurt the American people.

The cruelty is always the point.

So, good luck in that meeting with McCarthy, Mr. President.

Twitter users didn’t seem to have too much faith in the outcome, neither.

Tara Dublin
Tara is a reported opinion columnist at Occupy Democrats. She's a woefully underappreciated and unrepresented writer currently shopping for a super cool novel that has nothing to do with politics while also fighting fascism on a daily. Follow her on Twitter @taradublinrocks

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