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COWARD: As more lies emerge, shady Santos hides from constituents demanding his resignation

COWARD: As more lies emerge, shady Santos hides from constituents demanding his resignation

COWARD: As more lies emerge, shady Santos hides from constituents demanding his resignation

Rep. George “Anthony Devolder Kitara Ravache Zabrovsky Jingleheimer Schmidt” Santos (R-NY-ish) probably should’ve just stayed in Washington instead of traveling back to Queens to hang out at one of his district offices.

That way, no taxpayer dollars would’ve been wasted to set up police barricades to keep out the 25 or so constituents who were just trying to deliver a petition demanding that he resign.

Self-hating Santos continues to be inexplicably protected by GOP leadership and local law enforcement while being under multiple investigations.

Call it the “Gaetz Gambit”: the worst MAGA men getting away with things because someone up there with a whole lot of money is shielding them from any legal consequences.

A member of Santos’s staff (who was presumably *not* posing as Kevin McCarthy’s Chief of Staff) told the press (in what I imagine to be a faux-haughty tone) that Delicate Snowflake Santos would not speak to a “mob”.

Twenty-five people are fewer than the number of students in a typical college classroom, but since Santos never actually went to college, he wouldn’t know that.
They also weren’t some violent mob threatening anyone’s livelihood like some House Republicans I could name.
“Duuuuh?” “Duhhhhh!”
In fact, the group, which calls itself Concerned Residents of NY03 (the district that Santos was planted to represent) is comprised of “mostly PTA moms” who are big mad that they were taken in by yet another lying grifting criminal fraud.
“It’s incredibly cowardly to hide behind his staff. It’s part of his job to meet with us,” one protestor told The Independent.
The group recently amped up its efforts with protests in Washington as well as in their district.
They also sent a letter to “Weaker” Speaker Kevin “Marjorie Owns My Sack” McCarthy (R-CA via the ball-washing station at Mar-a-Lago) stating their objections to Santos still being seated in Congress.
“We question the motives of the national GOP in allowing Santos to run, in seating him, and in not moving rapidly to oust him. The timeline shows that Speaker McCarthy and Rep. Stefanik knew a year before the election that Santos was a fraud, and had at least five months to replace him with a credible candidate,” “Concerned Residents of NY03” said in a press statement.
They might also want to ask why police interviewed Santos in 2017 but never arrested him regarding an investigation into credit card skimming and identity theft in Washington State.
One acquaintance told CBS News that Santos claimed in 2020 to have served as a “confidential informant in the case,” but she now questions whether that was true.
No, really? 🙄

Twitter is really over this whole thing, especially when Ms. Ravache is out there tweeting like there’s no such thing as reality.

Tara Dublin
Tara is a reported opinion columnist at Occupy Democrats. She's a woefully underappreciated and unrepresented writer currently shopping for a super cool novel that has nothing to do with politics while also fighting fascism on a daily. Follow her on Twitter @taradublinrocks

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