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COMMON SENSE: NY Attorney General James scores huge win for gun safety

COMMON SENSE: NY Attorney General James scores huge win for gun safety

NY AG Tish James takes the NRA to the woodshed—AGAIN

New York Attorney General Letitia James continued her winning streak against the gun lobby with her latest victory defending her state’s gun legislation.

The state’s top prosecutor has successfully defended the constitutionality of New York’s recently passed gun safety legislation, the Concealed Carry Improvement Act (CCIA), which goes into effect today. The Gunowners of America, a group that is seeking to fill the NRA’s void, took the loss in court.

James celebrated the victory in a press release sent out Wednesday:

“As gun violence continues to impact communities across the country, today’s decision is a victory in our efforts to protect New Yorkers. Responsible gun control measures save lives and any attempts by the gun lobby to tear down New York’s sensible gun control laws will be met with fierce defense of the law. We will continue to defend the constitutionality of our laws to protect all New Yorkers,” said Attorney General James.

The CCIA was passed a week after the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that New York’s “proper cause” condition on concealing and carrying arms violates the Second and Fourteenth Amendments in the case of N.Y. State Rifle and Pistol Assoc., Inc. v. Bruen.

To circumvent the High Court’s ruling, the CCIA replaced the wording “proper cause” with “good moral character,” according to the New York Attorney General, who explained:

“The legislation strengthens requirements for concealed carry permits, prohibits guns in sensitive locations, allows private businesses to ban guns on their premises, enhances safe storage requirements, requires social media review ahead of certain gun purchases, and requires background checks on all ammunition purchases to protect New Yorkers.”

Ivan Antonyuk, Gun Owners of America Inc., Gun Owners Foundation, and Gun Owners of America New York, Inc. filed for an injunction on July 11th, claiming violations of the First, Second, and Fourteenth amendments and that members and supporters of the gun rights organization could face threats of immediate arrest or prosecution if carrying firearms in “restricted” locations prior to renewing their license to carry.

A judge disagreed.

After the May 2022 mass shootings in Buffalo, NY, and Uvalde, TX took the lives of 31 innocent people just ten days apart, calls for increased gun control and safety laws increased exponentially.

Attorney General James scored a win for gun safety advocates and possibly set a precedent for other states looking to follow suit.

James’ efforts to protect New Yorkers from gun violence have led to several gun buybacks, including 296 guns at a buyback event hosted by James’ office and the Utica Police Department. 

In total, James has removed over 3,300 firearms from communities since 2019.

“Responsible gun control measures save lives and any attempts by the gun lobby to tear down New York’s sensible gun control laws will be met with fierce defense of the law,” James said on Wednesday night, adding that the new legislation was “a victory in our efforts to protect New Yorkers”.

Follow Ty Ross on Twitter @cooltxchick

Ty Ross
News journalist for Occupy Democrats.

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